A Unique Resource for Treating Eating Disorders and Body Dissatisfaction
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Join “Leftovers” In Action…The Workshop Series

by anne on Apr.02, 2011, under Events

Are you tired of going to check your email and being forced to watch cartoon women in front of mirrors puff up and slim down selling you a pill to make you “perfect”?  Are you tired of feeling like a failure because you didn’t lose that 10/20/50 pounds you had promised yourself you would before your next birthday.  For women, body image issues and relationship to food are complicated and filled with shame.  And, very honestly, the food is not the problem.

I am offering  an innovative way to explore your relationship to food and your body.  I am inviting you to join a group experience (size limited) that will utilize the Expressive Arts Techniques that were used in developing the award  winning show “Leftovers…the Ups and Downs of a Compulsive Eater” along with other proven  therapeutic techniques. I invite you to view the trailer on our website — leftoverstogo.com We will view the original theater piece on DVD as a catalyst to explore the issues of compulsive eating or any disordered eating style.  We will use drama, writing, art therapy, group process and large doses of humor to engage in an honest discussion of these issues.

In my 30+ years of experience with this issue I have found that the most effective tool is the act of breaking the silence of these painful issues with others. This group is open to anyone who has the desire to try something different in their relationship to food and body image.  In a circle of women we will work together to move toward more insight, self-acceptance and have a great time doing it.  This is NOT a weight loss program.


WHEN: Tuesdays…….1:30-3:30..** There is a nine week commitment**

WHERE: Creative Juices Arts Studio, Lake Merritt District in Oakland

COST…..$360 for the series…. $330 If you sign up before April 20

Anne C Wilford M.A. MFT has been leading workshops for over 30 years.  She is a licensed Psychotherapist (MFT#32496) with over 19 years in private practice in Berkeley.  Anne works with individuals, couples and groups.  Along with Dr. Deah Schwartz, she is a  co partner of Education Through Therapeutic Arts (ETTA) and co-author of the Leftovers Workbook/DVD SET.  She has extensive teaching credentials including 16 years as an instructor with Gerry Grossman Seminars.

If you are an MFT or LCSW looking for personal growth opportunities this workshop is valid for Continuing Education Units (CEU provider #PCE3225)

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