A Unique Resource for Treating Eating Disorders and Body Dissatisfaction
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Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues

The LEFTOVERS Workbook/DVD set is applicable to virtually any type of addictive behavior, but deals especially with food- and body-image related disorders.


There is an increasing prevalence of body dissatisfaction being seen in today’s therapists’ case loads. Clients with body image issues are defined as those who are moderately to severely unhappy with their bodies. This dissatisfaction has many causes, including the pressure in the media for women to attain unrealistic body shapes and sizes. Air-brushed photographs and reality shows of extreme makeovers support the idea that unless you look a certain way, you are not “ok.” Negative self judgment  is also reinforced by friends, family and romantic partners’ opinions and expectations of what is attractive.
THE LEFTOVERS Workbook/DVD sessions focus on all of these influences by providing the therapist with specific group and expressive arts exercises to identify:

  • the client’s level of body dissatisfaction
  • dysfunctional eating patterns
  • influence of family history
  • response to media pressure
  • root causes of their negative body image

As the therapist leads the clients through the exercises, the goal is to make long lasting tangible changes—resulting in reality-based body satisfaction.


Binge eating, also referred to as compulsive overeating or the binge-diet cycle, is defined as eating large amounts of food in a short period of time until one is uncomfortably full. The client is often alone while binge eating, experiences feeling out of control during the binge and deep shame shortly after the binge is over. A client who is a compulsive over-eater will feel anxious, depressed, and filled with self loathing because of their behavior. This self loathing manifests as hate for their bodies which often results in feeling that dieting is the only answer. This perpetuates the binge-diet cycle, creates disordered eating patterns and promotes body dissatisfaction.

The LEFTOVERS Workbook/DVD sessions use the NAAFA award winning, Off-Broadway theater piece,“Leftovers: The Ups and Downs of a Compulsive Eater” to illustrate the binge-diet cycle behavior. Watching the scene depicted on the DVD, the client is an observer of a behavior that has always been conducted in private. Seeing the actresses struggle with the binge-diet cycle helps break down the barriers and secrecy often associated with this pattern. Sessions employ humor, theater games, personal story telling, role plays and discussion so the therapist can lead participants to a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the cycle. The support of the group setting breaks the isolation and lessens the shame often experienced by the client. Through this process the client discovers the possibility of self acceptance along with a healthier relationship to food and eating patterns.


Clients diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa  (purging and non-purging type) or Anorexia Nervosa (restricted type and binge eating purging type) show a need to exert control over food intake and their weight, along with intense fear of gaining weight and an over emphasis on how body weight is intertwined with self worth. Methods of control can include vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics as purging mechanisms, or dieting, fasting, excessive exercise and diet pill abuse as restrictive examples. Both disorders pose the possibility of serious health problems.
The LEFTOVERS Workbook/DVD set is an effective tool for these clients as well.  All of the sessions are constructed to be applicable to any dysfunctional relationship to food and body dissatisfaction issues.